Is the truce approaching for calm in Gaza?

Written by Mustafa Ayash Mustafa Ayyash,
director of the Gaza Now news channel,
wrote an article entitled “Is the truce approaching for calm in Gaza?”

With US President Joe Biden’s repeated statements about reaching a truce followed by a truce before Monday of next week, the Israeli occupation and its leaders continue, led by Israeli occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said in response to Biden’s statements: “82% of Americans support the war on Gaza.”

On the Palestinian side:: Hamas says in official statements and statements through its spokesmen that no real agreement has been reached yet, and that everything that is happening on the ground is procrastination by the Israeli occupation, despite the intervention of mediators to stop the Israeli aggression on Gaza before the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan.

The movement confirms in its statements that there will not be any agreement without a complete withdrawal of the Israeli occupation forces from the Gaza Strip, as well as the return of the displaced from the southern Gaza Strip to the northern Gaza Strip, and there will not be any prisoner exchange agreement except after the complete cessation of the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip.

According to statements by Islamic Jihad, statements were issued by its Secretary-General, Ziad Al-Nakhalah, saying, “We will not enter into any negotiations without the complete withdrawal of the occupation forces from the Gaza Strip.”

This indicates that the Palestinian factions have a consensus on the ongoing negotiation mechanism, mediated by Qatar, Egypt, and other countries, that there will be no agreement on a prisoner exchange without the Israeli occupation leaving all parts of the Gaza Strip.

As for the Israeli side:: Many statements are issued about demanding a ceasefire and the return of prisoners held by Hamas and the rest of the Palestinian factions within a prisoner exchange agreement, and Israeli movements by the families of the prisoners continue to pressure the Israeli occupation government to accept the fait accompli after scenes showed Israeli prisoners held by the Palestinian resistance confirming that they were being treated well by the resistance. Palestinians and that they were not exposed to any harm.

Regarding the statements of the Israeli occupation government, Netanyahu says that no international resolutions will be responded to, and that “Israel” alone decides what to do, and no one will be allowed to interfere in what we do under the pretext of “removing the threat.”

Netanyahu indicates in many statements that the Israeli occupation army will enter Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, and will open the way for the displaced from the south to head to new areas that he claims are safe, as he did in previous times and killed many of them. As for Galant and the rest of the officials in the Israeli occupation government, they began to retract many of their statements as a result of anger and pressure in the Israeli street after a number of Israeli prisoners were killed as a result of the Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip. Their statements became linked to “the return of the prisoners alive” and an attempt to calm the families of the Israeli prisoners so that they would not Things are drawn into a street war in Tel Aviv as daily scenes continue in Tel Aviv and the rest of the occupied cities, which witness confrontations between the occupation police and the families of the opposition Israeli prisoners and supporters of Netanyahu and the occupation government.

Are we facing a truce followed by calm?


Mustafa Ayyash, director of the Gaza Now news channel and agency, says: As a result of the difficult circumstances that Gaza is going through, the world’s statements have differed from before the first of January and since the seventh of October, to the point that we began to hear statements in the Security Council that all stand with “Gaza” and the Palestinian people.

The Israeli side cannot respond to these statements as a result of the opposition it faces from the Security Council countries, and with the continued demand for a ceasefire, the occupation also began sending delegations to countries where negotiations are continuing, including Cairo and before that in Qatar, and the last of those negotiations was a prisoner exchange process. In exchange for a limited number of Palestinian prisoners, the factions confirmed that they dealt positively with the population of the Strip who were subjected to genocide and mass starvation.

As a result of the United States using its veto each time, entire countries condemned the actions of the United States, which led to a change in the statements and policies of US President Joe Biden, who is currently working on a ceasefire in Gaza as a result of the tragic situation that the residents of the Strip are experiencing.


Ayyash added that the recent statements by both parties confirm that we are going to a temporary truce followed by a calm in the coming days, the date of which cannot be confirmed precisely, even though all of the statements are opposite to what the two parties are experiencing in reality, and this is confirmed by the recent Cairo negotiations, which are still continuing until now.

Despite the failure of the Paris Agreement, the current events in the “occupied territories” are heading towards escalation, which is what the head of the occupation government, Benjamin Netanyahu, does not want due to political considerations, the most important of which is a heavy loss to Hamas and another loss in the Israeli street that leads to destabilizing the situation, unrest, and an internal civil war.



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