The Army Who Still Have a Heart

“I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.” – Aaron Bushnell

This young man, despite being slightly older than me, is not so different from many of the American service members I studied alongside for years. There should be no confusion; when American servicemen do their jobs, they are serving global forces that are objectively evil, and they thoroughly condemn themselves before both God and mankind.

However, most do not maintain ill-intention. It is more often a case of stupidity than a case of evil; they cannot comprehend the complexity of the world, and feel unable to escape their ignorance, but the effort is worth it. Americans must join the people of the world to seek a prosperous future for all, and it starts by abandoning all forms of service and support for a federal government that has no regard for them, and maintains no morals whatsoever.

Aaron’s case seems to be that of a dramatic realization; his social media activity indicated that, at some point, he had become suddenly aware of some of the complexities of the world beyond what Americans are fed through their screens. This is a genuinely groundbreaking transition for many Americans who had been living a lie their whole lives, and is especially dramatic for service members who signed up to dedicate a significant portion of their lives to an organization they suddenly no longer believe in.

The self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell speaks to the wider context of the growing frustration of those Americans who truly are empathetic, who find it unbearable to stand by as their government conducts horrors in their name. Ideally, the flames would eat those truly responsible for this madness, rather than an empathetic young man who was left feeling he had no other choice, but it is now up to those Americans who empathize with Aarons sacrifice to ensure it was not in vain.


Credit: | Video: Here


Also read:

  1. A former American Soldier set him self on fire in front of Invaders Embassy
  2. The Fear of Them
  3. The Soldier has Passed Away

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