a foolish deception

To attach any value to the International Court of Justice and its judgements is a foolish deception!

This court is affiliated to the United Nations and its judges are elected by the United Nations and the “Security Council”.

Every sane person knows that these institutions are official patrons of the enslavement of humanity, the glorification of the owners of capital, the brutality of powerful states and the spread of immorality and the sex trade.

The person who has not denied all these institutions so far is, alas, a very profound ignoramus! And if all these events do not teach him these things, he cannot teach anything!

We are not talking about the principle of bringing a case before this Tribunal in order to embarrass it and the international system and to show its rudeness, but about the expectations from it and the expectation that this Tribunal and its judgements will end the persecution. Any action that may appear to be the implementation of the decisions of this Tribunal will be nothing more than a pre-determined decision based on political calculations under the pressure of the status quo and to the detriment of the vile entity and the criminal states that support it.

And I swear by Allah that a single mujahid with a bullet in his hand is better than that court and everyone in it! And Ahmed Farah Akilan spoke the truth:

“Rights are recognised in the military council, not in the Human Rights Council. Complaints to parliaments are empty words, the whistle of bullets is poetry. And a rocket made of words is no match for a bullet made of iron.”

Dr Iyad Kuneybi


Source: https://t.me/HAMASW

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