The First Jews Who Broke The Covenant

Ibn Ishaq narrates that Asim b. Umar b. Qatadah said: The first Jews who broke the covenant and fought between Badr and Uhud were the sons of Kaynuka.

Ibn Hisham narrates that Abu Awn said: The beginning of the incident of Beni Qaynuqaqa was as follows: A woman from the Arabs came to the market of the Jews, the bazaar of Beni Qaynuqaqa, to sell her goods. She then sat down with a jeweler to settle her business. They asked her to uncover her face. She did not open her face. The jeweler got up and grabbed the end of her dress from behind and knotted it on her back. When the woman stood up, her uncovered uncovered her private parts. The Jews there laughed at her.

Then the woman shouted. A Muslim man rushed at the jeweler and killed him. The jeweler was a Jew. The Jews were angry with that Muslim and killed him. Then the relatives of that Muslim gathered the Muslims against the Jews. So war broke out between the Muslims and the Jewish sons of Kaynuka…

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) kept them under siege (some narrations say 15 days) until they obeyed him, whereupon Abdullah b. Ubayy b. Salul got up and went towards the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and said: O Muhammad, be kind to my men who follow me!

The Jews were allies of the Khazraj. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) remained silent and waited. He said: O Muhammad, be kind to my men who follow me.

Then the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) turned away from him. This time he put his hand in the pocket of the Messenger of Allah’s armor. That armor was called “Zatu’l-Fudul”.

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to him, “Let me go.” He became angry and even those present saw a blackness on his face.

Then he said again: Alas, let me go.

He said: No, by Allah, I will not let you go until I let go my companions, 400 unarmored and 300 armored. They protected me against everyone, white and black. You want to kill and destroy them in one morning. Surely I am afraid that calamities will occur.

Then the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Take your men and they are yours!”

📘 Ibn Kathir, al-Bidāya wa’n-Nihāya

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