About Iran Missile

The missile launched by Iran yesterday was the longest-range missile in its military history (1250km).

With this, he hit the health center in Idlib.

If the oppressor shoots the oppressor, praise be to Allah, may Allah intensify the hostility and hostility between them. But those who glorify an oppressor just because he shoots another oppressor have disregarded the blood of their Muslim brothers.

Iran has shed the blood of hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Syria for years. This ummah is familiar with the painful images in Gaza from the Syrian period. It is not possible to understand why the blood of Syrian Muslims was considered so cheap. They were all subjected to the same cruelty, the same massacre, the same horrific suffering. Shia grandchildren always have a hand in the pain experienced by the Ummah. What do we think will be the attitude of those who spoke ill of and oppressed the companions (radiyallahu anhum) of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) towards Sunni Muslims?

Today, glorifying the Iranian-backed Houthis – except for one’s excused ignorance of them – results from exhortation in the creed and weakness in the creed (al-wala wa’l-bara). A Muslim who has a solid belief and monotheizes Allah; He knows that it is one of the requirements of Tawhid to be free from the communities that the ummah has agreed upon in disbelief and to be free from love and friendship towards them.

Those who exalted the enemy of Islam and the Sunnah to the skies for striking another enemy of Islam and the Sunnah should be prepared to fall to the ground. Allah will not accept anyone other than Tawhid, and the standard other than Tawhid will not be raised by anyone other than the Almohads.

Why don’t we listen to the Houthis from Sunni Palestinians and Sunni Yemenis? Palestinian Dr. Leyla Hamdân wrote about this a few days ago:

“The images spread to glorify the position of the Houthis and the exaggerated statements that accompany them reveal the extent of the doctrinal backwardness of the ummah.
After the erasure of the creed from people’s lives – carried out for years – such devotion to the world and the authority of the belligerent dominant culture, our losses (which we must regain) are great!

This shows that troubles and calamities will continue until people wake up from their drunkenness. May Allah grant peace, may Allah grant peace.. Allah’s sunnahs do not favor anyone (do not make privileges).”
Again, due to his glorification of the Houthis, he summarizes the situation of Muslims as follows:
“If the murderer Bashar Assad or the criminal Putin or any other tyrant whose hands are stained with the blood of Muslims now stood up to support Palestine, attack the occupation and blockade their ships at sea; They will even turn him into an Islamic hero!
We have a big problem understanding the nodes and intersections of war. Our bigger problem than this is that we cannot distinguish the true face of the players(!) in the war.

What poor memories we have!”


Credit: Leve Palestina

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