Iran Released 2 spies

⚡️ BREAKING NEWS: Today Iran released two spies who pose as journalists, Niloofar Hamedi & Elaheh Mohammadi

Analysis by RTSG:

➡️These two journos worked for “reformist” newspapers Sharq & Etemad.
➡️They broke the fake news that Mahsa Amini’s death was due to “police brutality.”
➡️Their report was received by Western outlets & amplified from there.
➡️They played a pivotal role in forming the “Woman Life Freedom” riots & inciting separatist slogans.
➡️They received training from US NGOs via CIA affiliated “journalist workshops.”
➡️The “Israeli” state’s official Persian propaganda account gloated on Twitter about their release.

Goes on to demonstrate two things:
➡️Iran’s divided political superstructure undermines its sovereignty & national security
➡️Iran’s issues are not due to a “lack of freedom,” but rather far too much, as Western-aligned liberal oligarchs & their cronies frequently get away with endangering the country & looting its economy.

To learn more about these spies’ affiliation with CIA-sponsored training courses abroad, and how their fake news campaign led to the deaths of countless innocent Iranians, read this in-depth report on the reality of the so-called “woman life freedom” color revolution here:

It is not our place to judge internal political decisions, but we hope there is a wisdom behind this, perhaps that such people are no longer a threat due to the vastly increasing strength of Iran in the face of a declining US and Zionist regime. The blood of martyrs like Arman Aliverdi (ra) — who was killed by immoral, savage nihilists (demonstrating that copying western culture does not make one “civilized”) who were agitated by this fake news campaign about Mahsa Amini — is on the hands of these spies and the “reformist” camp. Perhaps it would be better if they stayed in jail. However, these individuals are symptoms of a larger problem related to philosophy and worldview. While it is necessary to put them in jail or place a gag order on them or another tactic to suppress their subversive activities, unfortunately several more will pop up in their place so long as their pervasive liberal worldview is being disseminated throughout society via soft war.

There needs to be effective cultural programs to combat liberal philosophy, hedonism, and all the other poisonous seeds spread by western cultural warfare. People of the world are waking up to how service to the self leaves the heart empty, while the heart can only be filled by service to God. The tide is already in our favor, especially with the collapsing US and EU. This is why our opposition to Zionism and imperialism cannot just be limited to the military and political spheres, but we must also declare our independence from these wicked empires on all levels, including cultural, philosophical, and more, and chart our own course as an independent civilization that the world looks to for example, rather than us copy/pasting from the west in everything, while wrongly thinking that just being militarily and politically independent is sufficient for the survival of the Islamic Revolution.



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