Fearless & Nothing to Lose


If you think the new war in Yemen is going to be restricted to Yemen, think again.

It’s now open season for US and British military bases in the region. The Yemenis are fearless and have nothing to lose.

They will easily set the entire region on fire. Do not underestimate their strike capacity far outside Yemen either, or their deeply embedded alliances with other groups.

We have just heard reports of new attacks on US bases by Iraqi militias.

Everyone knows that the major regional war will break out this year. It looks like it might now be entering the point of no return.

All the defenders of justice, soldiers of righteousness and keepers of honor are Yemeni today.

All the noble among mankind are with Yemen and the fate of all humanity is Yemeni.

We see a people wage a war for no other reason than the defense of human dignity, without any profit motive whatsoever.

History will remember heroic Yemen, who did what the other Arab leaders were too corrupt and cowardly to do, for all eternity.


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