Out of hatred of Islam

When it comes to Islam, you will see that they are one Ummah!

The princes of Europe who bordered the Ottoman Empire, fearing the Islamic conquests, went to the Emperor of Constantinople, the Pope, to kneel before him, kissed his hands and feet and begged for his help.

The Orthodox asked for support against the Muslims and eventually united against Islam, even though the Pope was a Catholic and there was bitter enmity, division and hatred between them.

The Pope agreed to support the emperor, not out of love for the emperor, but out of hatred for Islam! Therefore, the Pope asked the kings of Europe to prepare for a new crusade to stop the wave of Islamic conquests in the heart of Europe.

However, without waiting for papal support, King Uruk V of Serbia set off for southern Romania with a large number of mercenaries and the Knights of Hungary, who welcomed the opportunity to fight the Muslims.

The Crusaders planned to attack the Muslims, taking advantage of Sultan Murad I’s preoccupation with some battles in Anatolia. However, when they reached the Martiza River in Edirne, they encountered Ottoman troops from Europe. The Crusaders went to war against the outnumbered Muslims and returned in disgrace with a humiliating defeat!

The Crusades, Ragib Serjani


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