Our Greatest Enemy

“The truth is that our greatest enemy is the mood of defeatism that comes over us when the oppressors attack us, our doubts about our security and our fondness for our comfort.

Our other great enemy is that in such a situation we feel obliged to choose only the methods of resistance that they have appointed for us, and that we are often forced to abandon our brothers and sisters while they are suffering.

Of course, there are those among us who break this defeatist mood; Mujahideen. They are a favour of Allah. But we must carry this mood to the whole Ummah. For example, what is wrong if students, workers and employees refuse to work or study until the embargo on Gaza is lifted? What would happen if everyone in Egypt chose the path of struggle and decided not to leave their homes or work until the embargo on their brothers and sisters in Gaza is lifted? What if students, workers and employees refuse to go to their workplaces or schools for just a few weeks until the embargo on Gaza is lifted and these evil plans against the Ummah come to an end? If our people and our brothers and sisters in Egypt want to lift the embargo on Gaza, I will tell them that it is in their hands to lift this embargo, to lift the Israeli pressure on our brothers and sisters, and to dissuade them. And know that your sitting in your homes until the siege is lifted will be a pillar of the direct struggle against Israel and the liberation of Al-Aqsa. And I invite all my brothers and sisters in Islamic and Jihadi websites to raise this call.

But some may fear that this action may be wrong. Suppose it did. So we try again and again and again. Until we succeed. We obey and worship God. And Allah will reward those who strive in His way. Of course, people may fear that the government will oppress them. Let them persecute us on this path, let them kill us… Resistance against injustice is a necessity and resistance requires sacrifices.

And for these actions, is there no need for heroic leaders who believe in Jihad against these cruel, tyrant, dictatorial Crusader-Zionists who oppress the Muslim Ummah? There is no doubt that there is. Therefore, students and workers should reject the state-imposed state unions and organise themselves under legitimate unions imposed by the state. And this peaceful struggle does not require armies and wars. And I know that the vast majority of students are in favour of Islam and wish it to gain authority. Therefore, they should organise their own unions, independent of the control and independent of the government-backed unions.

But it must be reiterated that it is imperative to resist this Crusader-Zionist oppression of the Muslim Ummah. And we have to confront this evil pact whose head rests in the White House and whose arms reach out to the (Egyptian) Central Security, which is fighting against women and demonstrators in the streets of Cairo and in Al-Mahalla and supporting the embargo on Gaza, and to the American forces and their allies who are burning our villages in Iraq and Afghanistan. “


Source: t.me/whiteminaret

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