Malay (Bahasa) DISINI

A short video lasting less than 2 minutes. The testimony of a woman -unnamed- 53 years old, a US citizen, is worthy of appreciation.

Although this mother is not the only civilized woman – there are millions of other citizens of the world – who sympathize with the fate of the Palestinian people and condemn the barbarity of the Zionist Israel. But he was the only one who used the “suluki (sociological) method”, namely understanding the verses of the Koran through observing people’s behavior. Seeing Israel’s evil Zionist behavior towards its enemies, then confirming God’s law, “Israel deserves to be punished harshly in proportion to its crimes.”

As a non-Muslim, this mother explained the results of her “tadabur” about one of the verses of the Koran which she considered harsh and cruel. He wondered, why is the Koran’s punishment so cruel for human mistakes?

“Hi, I read the Koran, Surah An-Nisa’, and I wanted to read it to you. I came across a verse from the Koran that was shocking because of its harshness. Then I wanted to show you my reaction,” he said in the short video.

The verse of the Qur’an read in the English translation is Surah An-Nisa’ verse 56:

اِنَّ الَّذِيْنَ كَفَرُوْا بِاٰيٰتِنَا سَوْفَ نُصْلِيْهِمْ نَارًاۗ كُلَّمَا نَضِجَتْ جُلُوْدُهُمْ بَدَّلْنٰهُمْ جُلُوْدًا غَيْرَهَا لِيَذُوْقُوا الْعَذَابَۗ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ كَانَ عَزِيْزًا حَكِيْمًا

Meaning: “Indeed, those who deny the Qur’an and the Prophet Muhammad, We will put them in hell. Every time their skin is burnt, We make their skin whole again, so that they continue to feel torment. Allah Almighty punishes people the disobedient and the Most Wise in making the Shari’ah for humans.”_ (QS An-Nisa’ (4) : 56)

Honestly and frankly, this mother admitted her condition. If he had read this verse 6 months earlier, his attitude would have been different. That is, before the HAMAS Mujahideen Izzuddin Al-Qassan responded to the Israeli Zionist attack on October 7 2023.

“So, if you asked me to read it 6 months ago and comment on it, of course I would say this verse is very cruel. I don’t know a God who would do that to humans. But then I see now what has happened to the Palestinian people, and their fear of Israel’s actions “and my country’s actions in sending bombs to Israel and financing them with billions of dollars. I have come to understand the harsh punishment in this verse,” he said confidently.

Witnessing the facts of war crimes and violations of international law, committed by the Israeli Zionist army against the Palestinian people, has awakened his human consciousness. His deep impression of the strict and straightforward laws of the Koran has changed his negative perspective, which initially cynically considered Allah’s law to be cruel, to considering it normal and understandable.

It is true, there has never been a civilized nation in the world as barbaric as the Israelites when executing their enemies. But even more barbaric is the nation that justifies, supports, and even finances the war crimes and inhumanities committed by Israel in Gaza. For example, support from America, France, England, Germany, Australia, Japan and allied countries that agree with them. Meanwhile, most Muslim countries are ambivalent.

“If 6 months ago, this mother said, I would tell you. I would say that I believe everyone is essentially a good person and all humans deserve forgiveness for all their past mistakes. But not now! no!

Now I understand the meaning of this verse. I am deeply sorry for the actions my country took against the Palestinian people. How could we conspire to commit these war crimes? “I’m very sorry and really disappointed,” he said in a concerned tone.

Hopefully this mother will soon receive Islamic guidance and become a Muslim. Amen, Rabbal Alamin!

Yogyakarta, January 8 2024


Credit: https://t.me/qudsindo

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