Syahid of Yahya Ayash

Yahya Ayash.
The Commander if Izzad Din Alqassam Brigades in West Bank in 90s but his final destination was at the Home Of Resistance(GAZA BEIT LAHIA).
Yahya was Engineer and the great expert in Bombmaking. The Commander was involved in killings of Hundreds of Zionists.

An Israeli Intelligence Shin Bet target him when he was at Gaza in 1995 at his friends house, Shin Bet operatives give a cell phone to yahya’s friend’s uncle Kamil hamad(as he was also involved) it was bugged so they could listen in on yahya’s call as phone also contained 15 grams of RDX explosive.
Kamil Hamad gave the phone to his nephew Usama. because he know that Ayyash regularly use Usama’s phones.On 5 January 1996,Yahya’s father called him. Ayyash picked it up and talked with his father. Israeli agencies was listening to call and When it was confirmed that its Yahya on the phone, Shin Bet remotely detonated it, and Yahya Achieved martyrdom.
Let’s tribute our commander on his death anniversary!

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