O.. Moslem Country

Do you understand what is going on?

An Arab nation numbering hundreds of millions

An Islamic nation whose population is estimated at more than two billion people

They take this position regarding the genocide that has been going on for 3 months in Gaza!!

They witness horrific massacres and crimes that leave hundreds and sometimes thousands of martyrs and wounded every day, including women and infants.

They see their brothers being killed in hospitals, homes, schools, houses of God, and tents.

Until everything in Gaza was bombed, including cemeteries!!

Those who did not die from the bombing live in starvation, siege, fear, and slow death, and among infants are those who died of thirst, cold, or because they did not find milk.

Hundreds of thousands are in tents and out in the open, living in the cold without enough food or water!!!

What is the value of your masses, your numbers, and your armies if they are not feared by enemies and if they are unable to move to deter this scum of criminals?!

Does religion call you to silence and inaction?!?!

Where do you stand regarding the Almighty’s saying: “And if they ask you to help you in religion, it is upon you to help.”

And God Almighty says: “And do not rely on those who do wrong, lest the Fire touch you, and you will have no guardians besides Allah, then you will not be helped.”

The Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “A Muslim is a Muslim’s brother; he does not oppress him, nor let him down.”


How long will there be inaction and silence, O nation of Muhammad?!

Arise, a nation for God…


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