Story of Shahid Osama


Michael Scheuer, George Town University professor, former CIA official and head of the Bin Laden capture team, says of the Shahid Sheikh Osama Bin Laden (رَحِمَہُ اللّہُ):

“I think he is an extraordinary man. If you look at the Muslim community, there is no other person in the last 50 years who has changed our history as negatively as Bin Laden. Even as an enemy, that shocks and impresses me a lot. And that’s in terms of knowing him and respecting him.

This man, whether we want to accept it or not, has a lot in common with the heroes of Islamic history; he is very sincere, he lives a simple life, he speaks Arabic in a political way, he has been wounded 4 times in combat, he has thrown away a huge fortune in a very poor Islamic world, he has 20 billion dollars, but he gave it up, and he has been living for 20 years drinking the dirty water of Afghanistan. He is a person who must be respected. If we don’t respect him, we cannot defeat him.”


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