Remember Who You Are

O my brother, May Allah bless you, listen! Look at the fruit of the relations of those righteous people among themselves, and even the effect it had on the disbelievers…

There is a story in the books of Siyar:

Two people came together for the sake of Allah and loved each other for the sake of Allah. The result of this love between them was that they competed with each other in obedience to Allah. If one would pray two rak’ahs of supererogatory prayer for the sake of Allah, the other would immediately start praying. If one sacrificed something for the sake of Allah, the other would do the same. If one did a good deed, the other would immediately do the same. This is the result of true love. They knocked on all the doors of good one by one. Then they began to talk among themselves about the desire for Shahada and the gains of being a shahid…

And one day a Munadi said: “O horsemen of Allah, come on, run!” and they rushed to answer this call. Both of them wanted to be honored with shahid before their friend.

in the land of war…
in the land of glory, true patience, sacrifice and excellence are revealed, which words fail to describe…

In the end, one of these two friends was shahid and the other was captured!

One of the enemy soldiers, who was a disbeliever, said to the captive, “I have seen something very strange in you today.”

The captive asked, “What is it?”

The soldier said: “I shot one of you.” The arrow went in his back and came out of his chest, and he fell on his knees, clutching his blood and saying:

“By the Lord of the Ka’bah, I have won!”

What is this victory?

The captive asked about the qualities of the shahid and realized that it was his friend whom he loved for the sake of Allah. He wept bitterly and said: “By the Lord of the Ka’bah, he has won.”

The soldier was surprised to see his violent weeping and asked: “What is it that makes you cry?”

He replied weeping:

“He was my friend and companion. We were united by our love for Allah and we were competing with each other in obedience to Allah and we both dreamed of martyrdom first. He was shahid and by the Lord of the Ka’bah, he won.”

Impressed by this incident, the soldier said:

“If a religion creates this kind of affection, this kind of consciousness and this kind of competition among its followers, then by Allah, it is the true religion. And I testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.”

Allahu Akbar! This is our religion. And that was our relationship among ourselves. And that was our influence on the infidels! We loved for Allah, we gave for Allah, we hated for Allah, we forbade for Allah, because our life is from Allah and to Allah. Did Islam spread to most of the earth with anything other than the morals of the Muslims!?

🖋 Sheikh Khalid Rashid (May Allah untie his bonds of captivity)




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