as Syahid Saleh al Arouri

Malay (Bahasa) DISINI

Senior Hamas official Saleh al-Arouri was syahid (martyred) in an Israeli drone strike.

Senior Hamas official Saleh al-Arouri was killed on Tuesday evening in an Israeli drone strike in Lebanon’s southern suburb of Dahiyeh Beirut.


One of Shaykh Arouri’s last words:

We in the Hamas movement are actually carrying out a martyrdom project that was started by Sheikh Ahmad Yasin.

I felt that I had lived longer than I should and it was time for my martyrdom. Muhammad Dheif is preparing a way for us to be martyred, and he will liberate Al-Quds soon, Insya Allah.


“Praise be to Allah because Allah bestowed upon us the martyrdom of Sheikh Saleh. This is his wish that he prays for every day. When he prayed, he would say, ‘O Allah, grant me martyrdom,’ every day.

I congratulate myself and the Palestinian people on his martyrdom. Palestine gives. When they kill a leader, a greater leader will emerge, by the will of Allah.

Victory will come. Victory will come, by the will of Allah. I ask Allah to give them strength and victory. They have won, by Allah’s permission. Victory is just an hour’s patience.”

– Younger sister of Sheikh Saleh al-Arouri


Footage shows an Israeli drone strike that killed Hamas Deputy Chief of the Political Bureau, Saleh Al-Arouri, along with six other people.


Mother of Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri (rahimullah)

“May Allah have mercy on his soul. He sacrificed himself for his homeland. He wanted to die as a martyr, and Allah granted it. We congratulate him and the whole world on his martyrdom.”

“I haven’t seen [Saleh] for 20 years or more. They exiled him. They imprisoned him for 15 years, released him, and then arrested him again. They continued to chase him. 18 years he spent in prison.”

“They exiled him to Syria, from Syria to Turkey, from Turkey to Qatar, from Qatar… May Allah be pleased with him. May Allah admit him to the high Paradise of Paradise.”


A demonstration at the Beddawi camp in northern Lebanon to condemn the killing of the leader of the Hamas movement, Saleh Al-Arouri.


“A sign of our sincerity is to continue following this path until the end, until the end of martyrdom.” Congratulations on the fortitude and validity of your life and path, Sheikh Saleh al-Arouri.

“The martyr Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri once said: “Time and age are in the hands of Allah, and I never thought of reaching this age at first, and death and meeting Allah is a great victory that we hope can end our lives.”


Sheikh Salah Arouri is one of the founders of the Izzuddin Al-Qassam Brigades and is considered the General Commander of the Al-Qassam Brigades in the West Bank…


Saleh Al-Arouri’s position is considered to be someone whose position is above Muhammad Dheif, and is equal to Ismail Haniyah as fellow Bureau Chief.

If Haniyah is the head of political affairs, then Arouri handles the military.


Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri was one of the architects of the Thuufanul Aqsa battle, from general to specific objectives, but the technical field was directly regulated by Muhammad Dheif.

Israel thinks that making him a martyr will weaken the struggle, but it will actually make Israel’s destruction closer, God willing.


In the words of one journalist:

They say you are living abroad while your people are being slaughtered, and they accuse you of trading in the blood of the Palestinian people. They say there is something in you that is not yours, and they doubt you, your patriotism, and your jihad.

They do not know that you, both then and now, are the core of the revolution and the volcano of resistance, and that it is only to Allah that our enemies will be gathered.
Say goodbye to our Sheikh, our teacher and our leader!


The video after Zionis air strike on Beirut Libanon:


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Source : doamuslims | Risalah Amar | Kabar Al Aqsha


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